Computer Repairs South Gippsland
We are a home based mobile business outside Foster doing Computer Repairs South Gippsland currently available by appointment. Please contact to arrange a consultation or for any IT related advice. Computer Repairs South Gippsland.
Computer Repairs, Training, Web Design and Other IT Support.
0421 043 090
305 Nippards Track, Woorarra West
Foster , South Gippsland, Vic 3960
Email: Tim at

Office Hours:
By appointment. Feel free to contact me to discuss issues, a time to see me, or to arrange a site visit.
Computer Repairs
South Gippsland – Computer Repairs
Need help with your computer, tablet or other devices. We can assess, advice and work out the best solution for you.
We do a range of computer repairs and support for all kinds of devices. Servicing Foster and surrounding areas of South Gippsland. We can come to you or arrange a suitable meeting place.
IT Support
South Gippsland – Training and Support
We offer a range of training in all aspects of computer and device use. With 20 years experience training all kinds of people we have developed the skills to teach what you want to learn. Topics covered will depend on you. We can discuss what you want to do and then create a personal plan to learn how to do the tasks required. Bring a friend and share the cost.
South Gippsland – Website Design and Setup
We can advise on all aspects of Web design and setup. Using Word Press a CMS (content management system) you will have full control over adding and changing the website. With support from us as needed. Support for existing sites is available.
Web Design
South Gippsland – Equipment Sales
We don’t stock a large range but will take orders for most things. So let us know what you need and we will supply you with prices and arrange delivery / pickup date.